It took a month or two of searching and digging but I finally found it. Set to be released October 26th, HudMo's Butter is the cleanest and most comprehensive of all HudMo releases, in my opinion. The production is spot on and the tracks, some weak others sick, are arranged and mastered with precision and obvious dedication. I don't undertand the Olivier Daysoul tracks but the Dam-Funk track, of course I love, hes on the vocals, and the Nadsroic track was also featured on her Room Mist EP I posted a few months back. I am happy I was able to find it this early and hope you all will enjoy it as much as I do.....classic HudMo with better production quality but new sounds and landscapes......
Hudson Mohwake - Butter
01 - Shower Melody (1:21)
02 - Gluetooth (3:47)
03 - Joy Fantastic (feat. Olivier Daysoul) (3:59)
04 - 3.30 (1:35)
05 - Trykk (2:12)
06 - Fruit Touch (3:57)
07 - ZOo00OOm (2:42)
08 - Acoustic Lady (2:06)
09 - Rising 5 (3:11)
10 - Twistclip Loop (1:22)
11 - Just Decided (feat. Olivier Daysoul) (3:50)
12 - No One Could Ever (2:18)
13 - Velvet Peel (2:16)
14 - Tell Me What You Want From Me (feat. Damfunk) (2:58)
15 - FUSE (3:10)
16 - Star Crackout (4:55)
17 - Allhot (feat. Nadsroic) (2:42)
18 - Black n Red (2:44)
Hudson Molink
sick... ima peep this but wanna get the album from bleep i think it is thats giving a funny teeshirt and some other shirt with the album for like 50 bills or something. but good looks!